Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well I've been done with school for about a month now. Wahoo! I moved home and found a job at Old Grist Mill in Brigham. I've been working there during the lunch rush most days.  I auditioned for a show last week but didn't get in. It was a good experience to audition though. I'm hoping to do another one soon. It's been nearly a year since this:
I haven't gone that long without doing a show since the 6th grade. Yikes. So needless to say, I'm hoping to fit one in before some bigger and better adventures come along.

This past week was spent on vacation with my family in MAUI!! We had a blast, got some sun, made some great memories, and took literally hundreds of pictures. Here are just a few of the many:

And the biggest news is, I'm working on my mission papers!  I can turn them in in just a few weeks, and have most of the parts filled out. I should have a call by mid-June.  It's kinda scary... But pretty exciting!